Sunday, March 23, 2014

Opinions of the People dictate what is right for the People and not themselves...

Reading todays New York Times and Grand Rapids Press, I see the propaganda from people like opposition in war.  In the movie "Saving Private Ryan", Capt Miller lead his unit to a town split between the Germans and Americans, as the unit is walking through the town the is a German voice over a loud speaker saying the "US is kaput".

On this March day the New York times, tell us

*  Climate Change has been going on through the time, cold or hot, whether human made, we are doomed.

*  Common Core standards implemented as a standard for our families and in our homes.

*  Raising the Minimum Wage, Employers can afford it and it is a moral values

* Using math to predict War, Computer can predict conflict - (people can predict conflict, yet when govt. threats with taking away dessert, what can a person do but wait)

* Crying Wolf on Religious Liberty - chastise Hobby Lobby & Conestoga for fighting for their right to for their beliefs
 * Sequester cuts harm Homeless, people need help due to high rent, low wage

*  Paying College Football players a fair wage.

 - Today in the Grand Rapids Press

*  Potholes - fault
- climate change
-  Republicans
-  Semi-trucks
-  Lack of Investment in Infrastructure

* Treating e-cigs like tobacco products

*  Immigrant not getting Justice due to American not understanding their culture ( ask the teen who was accosted by the mis-understood immigrant, please note the sarcasm)

*  the children will starve due to cuts in the SNAP program

Common Sense Review:

I am dismayed by the verbal ignorance.  From what I see from these two papers is that we the "People", need to be told what the standards are for our families by a govt agency yet we cannot stand up for our faith.  Morals are dictated by the needs of other who choose not to stand up for themselves.  Are homeless are suffering do to the govt not raising the depts. budgets.  College students who play sports should be paid yet an education is not considered payment. 

Potholes are everyone's fault but mine.  Anything that looks like the bad habit like smoking tobacco is bad but we need the right to smoke pot.

Immigrants deserve justice for being different even if they assault the child.

the SNAP program needs more funding or the kids will starve as we are told the kids are obese...

In conclusion, everyone knows what is right for the rest of us. I pray God doesn't read the papers...

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Socialist are coming, the Socialist are Coming!

"A Rare Elected Voice for Socialism Pledges to Be Heard in Seattle"

Friday, November 22, 2013

Bill of Right as a US Citizen

I have the right to demand my govt:

·        *  to put the people before their political advancement
·        *  to follow the laws they impose on the people
·       *   to secure the boarder from criminals who cross it illegally
·       *   not to have a secret court that imposes procedure that infringe upon the rights of the citizens.
·        *  to scrutinize those people who apply for visa to live in the US
·        *  not to choose one belief system over another
·        *  to leave decisions for my family and children in my hands.
·        *  to balance its budget (No Deficits)
·        *  not to give foreign countries money without a 90% approval vote from Congress
·        *  doesn’t regulate the education of my children
·       *   must have oversight and enforcement of fraud with the misappropriation of taxpayer funds.
·       *   Not to create a entitlement programs without the major vote by the people
·       *   The president cannot lie to or use “Plausible Deniability” in regards to National issues
·       *   That no govt family member can be  a lobbyist or lobbyist can have special  treatment by govt

·       *   Any govt official (Senator, Congressman, Director, etc) under investigation of fraud, must be suspended and if convicted fired without financial benefit from position

Bill of Right against being called a Racist

·     *    I have the right to disagree with anyone
·      *  I have the right to point out pool lifestyle choice by others
·       *  I have the right to show the ignorance of others
·        * I have the right to demand equal treatment for all
·       *   I have the right to use the same slang as others
·        *  I have the right to not to be labeled by false propaganda created by those who push an agenda

·        *  I have the right to  live without fear of being called a racist

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Is New York City Mayor/elect Bill de Blasio the downfall of that city?

De Blasio’s team

·          Nick Baldick, Campaign Consultant – worked Clinton campaign 1996
·         Berta Lewis – Founder of Working Families Party ( created in 1998, a coalition of labor unions, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and other community organizations)
·         Patrick Gaspard, best friend – Former leader of SEIU Healthcare workers
·         Jonathan Rosen, Lead Communication and Police Strategist – PR for ACORN
·         Bob Master – Political Director for the Communication Worker of America union
·         George Gresham – President of SEIU 1199
·         Dominic Williams, chief of Staff – Obama campaign veteran and union advisor
·         Harold Ickes – Deputy Chief of Staff in the Clinton White House
·         Anna Greenberg , Chief Pollster – Pollster for Clinton
·         Jim Crounse, Consultant – Hillary Clinton for Senate 2000 campaign

-          So he has the former Clinton, ACORN, Union and Obama workers…. New York City is screwed!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Problem with Govt

The Problem with Govt

·          33 Senators are older that the retirement age of 67 years old
·         Average length of time in seat is 20 years

·          73 Congressmen are older than retirement age of 67 years old
·         Congressman with the longest time in seat is 57 years (Rep. John Dingell, (D-MI)
·         34 Congressmen who began their position in the 1970s &1980s

·          If we had a age or term limit on Congressmen or Senators, we would not have:
·         Senators
o   Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
o   Chuck Grassley (R-IA_
o   Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
o   Carl Levin (D-MI)
o   John McCain (R-AZ)
o   Harry Reid (D – NV)
o   Pat Leahy (D-VT)
o   Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
o   Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
o   Max Baucus (D-MT)
o   Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
o   Dick Durbin (D-IL)

·          Congressmen
o   Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
o   Henry Waxman (D-CA)
o   Maxine Waters (D-CA)
o   Snader Levin (D-MI)
o   John Dingell (D-MI)
o   John Conyers (D-MI)
o   Peter King (R-NY)

o   Charlie Rangel (D-NY)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

When The President misleads the US Economy… In the Shadow of Social Inequality

Obama Says Income Gap Is Fraying U.S. Social Fabric

JACKIE CALMES and MICHAEL D. SHEAR, New York Time, July 27, 2013

In a week when he tried to focus attention on the struggles of the middle class, President Obama said in an interview that he was worried that years of widening income inequality and the lingering effects of the financial crisis had frayed the country’s social fabric and undermined Americans’ belief in opportunity.

If we don’t do anything, then growth will be slower than it should be.

Racial tensions won’t get better; they may get worse, because people will feel as if they’ve got to compete with some other group to get scraps from a shrinking pot

The economy is “far stronger” than four years ago, he said, yet many people who write to him still do not feel secure about their future, even as their current situation recovers.

“I will seize any opportunity I can find to work with Congress to strengthen the middle class, improve their prospects, improve their security

The priority, he said, should be spending for infrastructure, education, clean energy, science, research and other domestic initiatives of the sort he twice campaigned on.

Common Sense Review

How can the American people confidently follow someone with a ideas based in falsehoods, wrapped up in threats. 

This man has the power to let the economy work itself out without any interference from the govt.  Govt doesn’t create opportunity.  It creates regulation that hinders capitalism.  Obama is the down fall of the American capital system.  Yet he threatens that if there is no equal opportunity for the minorities to get jobs when there are no jobs available.  Your legislation of Obamacare and Stimulus is the over taxation of the middle class which closes the door for opportunity for all class and races.

Mr. President get out of the way!